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2024/25 Season Information

Age Birth Year Blade Size Poule fights Direct Elimination
Foil Epee Sabre Hits Time Hits Time
Under 10 2015/16 0 0 0 5 2min 10 3x2min
Under 12 2013/14 3 2 2 5 3min 10 3x2min
Under 14 2011/12 3 2 2 5 3min 12 3x2min
Under 17 2008-10 5 5 5 5 3min 15 3x3min

What is the Leon Paul Junior Series?

The Leon Paul Junior Series (LPJS) is the best way to start fencing competitively. It is designed specifically for young fencers who want to compete in a fun, safe environment. There are over 30 competitions nationwide and athletes' ages range from 7 to 17. Fencing is a great way to keep fit but to develop your skills you need to fence under competition conditions against different opposition. Some fencers attend just one or two competitions each year, while others will compete in several. Fencers collect ranking points from each event to climb up the LPJS rankings tables and win prizes. Virtually all of the successful young fencers in the country started their careers at LPJS competitions.
       Ben Paul
       Director of Leon Paul London

LPJS Competition Rules

All LPJS events are run to the same format and follow the BFA & FIE rules with the a few amendments specifically related to age groups.

2024 Season

There are going to be major changes to the LPJS for the 2024 season including age groups, formats, and a one-off shortened season.

LPJS ID Number

We saying goodbye to the LPJS ID number. From 2024 onwards a fencers' unique identifier will be their BF Membership Number. This must be accurately submitted during the entry process.

Age Groups & Season Changes

The LPJS age groups will change to U10, U12, U14 & U17 as of the 1st of January 2024. There will then be a shortened 9-month season, 1st January 2024 until 31st August, before the new 2024/25 starting again on the 1st September which will run for 12 months until 31st August 2025. This will bring the LPJS into line with the England U14 rankings and a future British & European U14 ranking lists


All LPJS must run to the format of poules with 100% promotion, meaning that there is no cut at an LPJS event and every fencer gets a DE fight. This is followed by direction elimination without repechage and no match for bronze.

The number of poule rounds is at the discretion of the organiser within the following parameters.

  • One round of poules if the size of poules are 7 & 6 fencers per poule.
  • Two rounds of poules if the sizes of the poules are 6 & 5 or 5 & 4 fencers per poule.
Failure to adhere to these format restraints can result in the event not counting for LPJS ranking points.

Events can be mixed in the event of small entries but final results must be separated into age group and sex.

Under 10 age group

  • Blade size = size 0
  • Poule fights = 5 hits or 2 minutes
  • DE matches = 10 hits or 3 periods of 2 minutes

Under 12 age group

  • Blade size = size 2 for epee & sabre / size 3 for foil
  • Poule fights = 5 hits or 3 minutes
  • DE matches = 10 hits or 3 periods of 2 minutes

Under 14 age group

  • Blade size = size 2 for epee & sabre / size 3 for foil
  • Poule fights = 5 hits or 3 minutes
  • DE matches = 12 hits or 3 periods of 2 mins

Under 17 age group

  • Weapon size = size 5
  • Poule fights = 5 hits or 3mins
  • DE matches = 15 hits or 3 periods of 3 mins

Competition Rules

Foil U17 competitions must use conductive mask bibs. This is optional for U10, U12 & U14.

All fencing matches use full size pistes.

U10's start the match and following each valid hit with their back foot on the engarde line.

Leon Paul Junior Series requirements

BF Registered Events

All LPJS Events must be registered with British Fencing. More details can be found here.

If a competition not register with British Fencing, no LPJS points will be awarded to the fencers who take part.

All registered events will have their BF Event Licence ID number displayed at the top of the competition page.

Rule Changes

The new passivity rule introduced on the 1st January 2023 by the FIE will be implemented at the all LPJS events.

U10, U12 & U14 must use the correct size blade for their weapon. Size 2 or smaller for epee & sabre or size 3 or smaller for foil. If the fencer presents on piste with the wrong size weapon, the fencer will receive a yellow card and the weapon confiscated for the duration of the fight in line with rule t.73 1b.

Fencers can only fence for 1 Club

Fencers can't fence for multiple clubs at events. Multiple clubs causes problems for competition organises because the computer software sees any club names that are not identical as different clubs e.g. 1) ZFW 2) Sussex House 3) ZFW/Sussex House are seen as 3 different clubs and 'separation by clubs' for the poules will not work.

When entering a fencers club is chosen from a drop down menu.

Online Feedback

Following each event fencers will be sent a link (via the email address they enter with) to an online survey. This will allow Leon Paul to help organisers continually improve their events.

©2024 Leon Paul London, all rights reserved.